About Disenchanter

To unlock content, you frequently need to disenchant items for in-game currency such as "Blue Essence", which mostly has to be done item-by-item. This can take a while, especially since you have to sit through an animation each time.

About Disenchanter
Some Blue Essence


In League of Legends, players can gain loot to unlock in-game content by increasing their summoner level or other events.

To unlock content, you frequently need to disenchant items for in-game currency such as  "Blue Essence", which mostly has to be done item-by-item. This can take a while, especially since you have to sit through an animation each time.


CLI-driven mass disenchanting of:

  • Champion shards
  • Cosmetics and their corresponding shards

It should generally be possible to retain loot of content you haven't unlocked yet. Further, you should be able to keep champion shards based on certain rules:

  • Enough shards to master champions you currently own mastery tokens for
  • Enough shards to master champions you have at least at mastery level x
  • Enough shards to master all champions (only disenchant shards without any use)

The tool has to be usable for any Windows user without knowing about the architecture or any other intricacies regarding the software.


Check it out!

GitHub - marvinscham/disenchanter: A tool to mass disenchant champion shards and other League of Legends loot.
A tool to mass disenchant champion shards and other League of Legends loot. - GitHub - marvinscham/disenchanter: A tool to mass disenchant champion shards and other League of Legends loot.


Stat Submissions
Shards Disenchanted
Blue Essence Gained
Time Saved